Our bedrooms can be our sanctuary giving us the much needed rest to rejuvenate our bodies. With these unique spins on how to craft a headboard to spruce up your bedroom, you can also have a unique space for which to call your haven. Headboards created with items around your home can add whimsy, as much as, style. Pool noodles and sporting equipment can make a child’s room come alive with activity. Old shutters, reclaimed wood or rough two by fours can be cleaned, painted and Read More
Techniques for Designing Your Home with a Rustic Theme
Winter often gets us in the mood for a cozy environment. One that allows to snuggle and feel like we have a rugged atmosphere to stay warm. Designing your home with this rustic theme that reflects a winter escape or log cabin feel can be accomplished with a few techniques and design elements to incorporate into your home. Read More
Home Remodel Project: Garage Upgrade
Winter is a great time of year to start thinking about a garage upgrade. This home remodel project can consist of organizing your existing garage area, adding some shelving to create more efficient storage or adding cabinets and updating floors. Adding overhead shelving to manage your storage needs is another option for a garage upgrade. In this home remodel project example, we will focus on a complete upgrade. The insides of many garages have unfinished walls with exposed wood framing. The first step of this project is to add drywall overlays to create functioning walls that can support shelving and cabinets. While adding walls, you can add insulation to make your garage a bit warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
Adding Backsplash to a Kitchen
Kitchen remodeling projects can be very expensive. However, making minor changes to a kitchen to spruce it up or change the look a bit can be done by adding backsplash to your kitchen. Backsplashes are enhanced designs on your walls between your counters and your cabinets and generally are designed using tiles. These can be intricate with a custom section of your design or simple with basic tiles used to enhance your kitchen. Whatever you choose, adding backsplash can definitely change the look of a room without the costs of a complete remodel. This is a project you can perform yourself with the proper tools and skill level. Patience will be required for this project. Or you can choose to hire a professional tile installation expert to help you install your backsplash. Whatever you choose we have a few tips to help get you ready for this project. Read More
Decorating with the 2016 Pantone Color of the Year
In 2016, Pantone decided to change it up by offering two stand out colors of the year. According to Pantone, the two colors of the year, Rose Quartz and Serenity “demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness, as well as, a soothing sense of order and peace.” Pantone explains that a direct correlation between consumers seeking mindfulness, reassurance and security were the reasons for selecting two colors to represent 2016. Specifically, these two colors together are being used interchangeably by the genders represented in fashion trends. Using a soft rose and sky blue to denote gender equality is yet another reason for supporting the blend of these two colors. Read More