Elvis is in the House

elvis 10We were surprised to hear that it is Elvis Week. For all the Elvis fans out there, we have some looks that might inspire your home decorating. That’s right, we said home decorating with your favorite celebrity. Whether you like young or older Elvis, there is decor just for you. If Graceland is your theme or his movies stand out the most for you, display your passion on your walls. Whether you are fan of Blue Hawaii or Jailhouse Rock, Love Me Tender or GI Blues, there is sure to be a specific theme that inspires you.

With the amount of different decor options, featuring the man on your on your walls is easy to do. Maybe a collection of books speaking to his life reside on your tables. If you are a fan and have old albums, frame them and hang them on your walls. Try using other items that might inspire you to showcase this man. He accomplished a lot in his short life and become an icon.


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Upcycling Projects, Fun Projects You Can Turn into Treasures

Upcycling projects is often an overlooked option or project for home decorating ideas. Reusing items to create great pieces of home decor can go a long way to creating a unique home. And you can actually save money on your home decorating budget.

The first step in upcycling is look around your home to review what you do not want to use in its true form any longer. Once you set these items aside, you then get creative to create some new decorating ideas. Using unusual items to create something new requires dipping into your creative juices.


No creative juices you say, no worries. Research fun projects or bring in your creative friends to help you thing outside the box. Brainstorming ideas can happen over a nice bottle of wine. Try putting all the “I do not want anymore” items on a table. Then find extra items around your home and add them to the table. Now see if you can make something new and fun.

Upcycling is all about looking at something with a new perspective. This infographic can also help give you some ideas of some upcycling projects for unique home decor.  Read More

Home Remodel Tip: Office Furnishings

HomeZada Office FurnishingsPeople are working from home more and more these days. This trend is from both large corporations who have work at home policies and remote employees to small businesses and start-ups. The ability for people to be productive at home often times depends on creating a dedicated work environment in a spare room or space within the home. Furnishing a spare bedroom into an office environment is a major part of effectively working from home. A desk that works for a computer and an office chair that provides the proper support is a major part Read More

I Want to Remodel My House. Can I Get Financing?

I Want to Remodel My House. Can I Get Financing?Guest Blogger: Gerri Detweiler

Maybe you’re hoping to sell your home sometime soon and it needs sprucing up. Maybe you just can’t stand the look of your kitchen cabinets anymore.

Whatever the reason, you may want to remodel your home without depleting your bank account. Or you may be short on cash. That’s where a home remodeling loan comes in. You may have more options than you realize for financing home renovations. 

Low-Rate Credit Card

If you have a credit card with a low interest rate (or perhaps even a 0% balance transfer option), charging your remodeling purchases allows you to pay them off over time at an attractive interest rate. (Lower rates require good credit.) But you’ll need some discipline to avoid charging more than you can afford to pay back in a reasonable period of time.

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Brighten your Home and Summer with Floral Prints

watercolor-prints-interior-decorating-ideas-1Summer brings about bright and sunny days, beach weather and bouquets of delight. Sometimes it feels like everything is better in summer with the colorful landscape of flowers. Yards and parks are in full bloom. Why not bring the floral concept indoors to create a lighter, summer feeling. Summer time home decor can also get everyone in the mood to celebrate the weather and enjoy this time of year.

Fresh Flowers

Adding fresh flowers is the most immediate way to introduce the floral concept. Whether you can create a bouquet from your backyard beauties or you take a quick trip to your local florist or grocery store, adding fresh flowers to a room brightens the area. And also brings in the Read More