Home Maintenance Tip: Inspect Automatic Garage Door Safety Shutoff


There have been some recent accounts of homes being broken into because burglars are visiting the home posing as a potential buyer during an open house. With this top of mind, we wanted to remind our readers about investigating and doing a quick check of their garage doors. Most garage doors have an electronic beam of light or door eye at the very bottom. This beam is designed as a safety mechanism that stops the door from Read More

The Best 2016 Garden Design Trends that will Blow your Mind

Best 2016 Garden Design TrendsGuest Blogger: Diana Smith

Landscape architecture has been popular for a long time, but in 2016 – it has reached new levels of superior design and solution.

Unlike the usual garden-designing we are used to, this time around we are presented with something way more geometric, fresh and contemporary in terms of outdoor solutions. Some designs have gone totally against the manicured lawns and embraced the overgrown areas with the Read More

HomeZada Twitter Chat Series Continues

HomeZada Twitter Chat

HomeZada is at it again! We are hosting our fourth in a series of HomeZada Twitter Chat. Next up, we have invited Mike Chamberlain of MC2 Home Inspections. Mike will give us his take on what home inspectors look for in a home when reviewing homes. He will talk about why and how a home inspection is valuable. Further, he will share how his personal business has provided value to his clients. MC2 Home Inspections is an independent home inspection company proudly serving and protecting home buyers since 2007.

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How to Find the Best Vacuum Cleaner

shutterstock_202172830Vacuum cleaners are a major pet peeve of mine. It seems like I love them at first and then they do not have enough power to really get my floors clean. So I wanted to know how to best select the best vacuum cleaner for me. Do I use a upright free standing vacuum cleaner or a central whole house vacuum cleaner.  Read More