Getting Prepared for any Situation

September brings us to the beginning of fall and getting everyone organized for all the upcoming holidays and school year! Along with this time of year, we have an opportunity to get our homes organized and prepared for any situation. September marks National Preparedness Month by FEMA. FEMA is committed to helping people get prepared for any situation but specifically looks at preparing for natural disaster related situations and I help by offering programs that are proactive during the month of Read More
HomeZada Just Got a Whole Lot Easier with a New Interface!
HomeZada is so excited to announce a new interface for its users. All current and new users can access and use today! This new user interface has some great new components that make for easier navigation. And has some new reporting that can help HomeZada users get the information they need. All this information will help HomeZada users make great decisions regarding their homes, time and money.
Mobile Apps
In addition to this new interface, HomeZada has a new look and feel to its mobile applications. You can access the new HomeZada mobiel apps at iTunes or at the Play store.
Access the New Look
To access this new look, sign up or login to your HomeZada account. If you do not have one, sign up today! Then in the upper right corner, you will see a button labeled Try New Beta. Click this button and you will be in the user experience. Let us know if you have any questions at [email protected].
Tree Trimming Tips and Techniques
Owning a home means a laundry list of things to do every weekend. There are the maintenance items, like fixing the broken faucet; the annual projects, like repainting your living room; and the seasonal projects, getting a beautiful tree trimming.
But tree trimming isn’t as easy as it sounds. You can’t head outside with cutters or a saw and simply start hacking away. Trim your tree the wrong way and it’ll show as a lopsided Read More
Using Pendant Lights in Your Home Design
Pendant lights can add a unique design element to a home. Pendant lights are commonly used over kitchen islands, but what about nooks, desks, bathroom sinks, entry ways and dining room areas. Pendant lights can easily be changed and adding them to areas of your home, can change up the design quickly. Adding quirky elements to a room is easy with pendant lights, not to mention your visitors will think you are the best designer in the world for thinking out of the box. Try these great options for creating pendant lights Read More