Remodel Tip: Closet Remodel

Closet RemodelSpring and fall are great times to give your closet a re-look. It is time to review your clothes, shoes and accessories that you have in your closet and determine what you want to keep and what needs to go. Closet organization is always great practice. But maybe you are ready for a complete closet makeover and your are ready for a closet remodel.  Read More

Optimizing Your Home Office Space

home officeGuest Blogger: Jasmine Smith

Making the most out of your home office space is vital, especially when it boils down to productivity. Having a simplistic and practical home office space will always ensure that you can knuckle down and get your concentration cap on. There’s always room for a bit of fun, but the main key is to design a place where you can concentrate and work in peace. Read More

Managing Your Home Finances for More Effective Home Management

HomeZada Managing Home Finances Infographic Header

Managing a household budget can be tricky. If you are not able to document all the details about your average monthly spend, then if becomes more difficult. Many homeowners keep a list of electric, telephone, mobile phone, care givers, groceries, water, mortgage and car expenses. But many people forget about their home maintenance spend, their insurance fees and home repair costs throughout the year. These activities either pop up unexpectedly or they are not monthly expenses and are forgotten because they happen periodically. These are just a few expenses that are forgotten when Read More

Cleaning is Just Not Fun! What’s a Girl to Do?

Cleaning-ServicesI recently had a conversation with my husband, a man I have been married to for over 15 years and surprisingly, he actually thought that I liked cleaning. LOL! Once I explained to him that cleaning is not at the top of my bucket list, but that the results of cleaning make me a very happy person, he started to understand what I actually valued. So this conversation lead to me requesting more of his help with this “not on the bucket list task”. So with that we came up with some reasons why cleaning is important and valuable to our Read More

How to Finance a Home Remodel

remodelGuest Blogger: Carter Wessman

Often times, when you buy a home, it’s not perfect. Fortunately, the magic of remodeling allows you to craft your current residence or a prospective property into your dream home. However, unless you’re flush with cash, you won’t be able to pay for your renovation project out of pocket. When faced with this dilemma, there are several ways for you to go about getting the funds. Read More