Do Not Do it Yourself: 4 Home Improvement Projects Best Left to the Pros

Do Not Do it Yourself

 Guest Blogger: Jeremy Thompson

A home improvement project is the fastest way to customize and add value to your home. Many people even choose to start home improvement projects themselves to save money on the cost of skilled professional labor. However, there are some home improvement projects that should always be handled by a professional contractor for best results. So do not do it yourself if a pro is better suited for the work. Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Clean Refrigerator Cooling Coils and Grill

Clean Refrigerator Cooling Coils and Grill

Clean refrigerator cooling coils and grill is important for the efficiency of your refrigerator. Your refrigerator typically has a grille at the top or bottom that sucks in air. You need to remove this grille to look for cooling coils and a fan that needs cleaning. This area of the refrigerator and its pieces typically collect dust and dirt. When these coils and fan are not cleaned, your refrigerator has to work harder to keep things cool. Which means parts of your refrigerator or your entire refrigerator may fail sooner than their expected life. Additionally, with a refrigerator that must work harder,your energy bills are likely to Read More

Maintenance Tip: Cleaning Your Ventilation Hood

Cleaning Your Ventilation Hood
Many stoves today have a ventilation hood above the burners.  These hoods ventilate heat and smoke from normal cooking which protects your walls and your home from excess smoke and odors.  There are grills in the design of the hood that accumulate grease and grime due to cooking. Not only is this an appliance in the home that needs a regular wipe down after cooking, but many of these grilles can be removed from the hood and are available for a much deeper clean.

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So Many Choices … Kitchen Countertops

Kitchen Countertops

Today we can find a variety of counter top materials to use to create a specific look or feel in a kitchen.  Let’s take a look at the variety of kitchen countertops and their pros and cons to using them in a kitchen. Read More