A Step to Organization with an Electronic Calendar

A Step to Organization with an Electronic CalendarWhy is using a calendar important to most people? Using a calendar is necessary when trying to schedule meetings, sharing the responsibility for getting family members to their appropriate activities and destinations, and securing invited guests at specific and special events. Read More

HomeZada is Open for Business


It all started with air filters! Years ago, we built a house and after living in it for almost a year, the fabulous new carpet started turning black along the edges and under the doors. Beth looked at John, and asked, “Did you change the air filters?”  John looked at Beth and said, “I thought you were changing the air filters.”  Needless to say, the air filters were clogged and black. The spark for HomeZada was born.

Why isn’t there a software system to remind homeowners of everything Read More

Get Your House Ready for Halloween

HalloweenDon’t let the fun stop at picking out costumes with your kids and carving pumpkins. Take it to a new level this year! There is a huge opportunity to have fun with your kids while transforming your house into a haunted house, your yard into a cemetery, or simply putting up more decorations around the front porch than you normally do this Halloween. Read More

3 Green Cleaning Products to Keep Your Home Chemical Free and Clean!

Green Cleaning ProductsLet’s assume that the general public is relatively aware of the dangers of household cleaners and the dangerous chemicals they are made of . If you aren’t one of the assumed general public, read our blog post “The Invisible Home Toxins“. If that’s the case and we do know what dangers household cleaners can be, then why do we continue to use them? Because they are convenient to buy from the store? Maybe it’s because what we have all used for as long as we can remember?  Or because we don’t know what else to use? It is most likely a combination of the three. Read More

What Home Renovations Have the Best Resale Value?

There are countless ways that a homeowner could perform home renovations on their beloved home. One way is to remodel the kitchen. Remodeling a kitchen is expensive and probably one of the most expensive projects you can undergo or you can modify smaller areas of the kitchen for a refreshed look versus a complete makeover of the kitchen. Other home renovations are to replace the windows in the home especially if they are single pane windows. Repainting a room, the entire inside or outside of your home is another home renovation that could be beneficial to potential resale and also get you excited to live in your home again. All of these home renovations are great for a homeowner to personally improve their home for their own needs. Which of these home renovations and others consistently give you the best return on your investment if you are eventually going to sell your home?

The infographic below will give you better insight to which renovations are worth spending your valuable time and money on for an impressive return on your investment. After all, your home is one of your largest assets.  Read More