When Is the Right Time to Buy a Home Warranty? Here’s What You Should Know

When Is the Right Time to Buy a Home Warranty? Here’s What You Should Know

Maybe you’re buying a home, or you’ve been living there for a while and you’re wondering about the right time to buy a home warranty. You may also be thinking about how to verify which ones are the best home warranty contracts. The short answer is that you can purchase a home warranty plan at any time, but the best time to get one is as soon as possible from a reputable company.

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Simple Ways You Can Update Your Kitchen Without Remodeling

Simple Ways You Can Update Your Kitchen Without Remodeling

When you’re figuring out how to add a splash of new life to your kitchen, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need a complete restoration to do so. However, it might surprise you to learn that revamping this beloved area of your home doesn’t necessarily require a costly renovation. Check out these simple ways you can update your kitchen without remodeling so that you can make the most of this remarkable part of your home.

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15 Common-Sense Tips For Designing a Shared Kids Room

15 Common-Sense Tips For Designing a Shared Kids Room
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A shared kids’ room is a necessity for many families. 

Perhaps the arrival of a new baby means you’re going to have more people than rooms available.

Maybe you’re considering working from home and want to convert a bedroom into an office. 

Or maybe you want the kids to share a room so they can learn to share and to bond with one another.

Whatever the reason, here are some tips for designing a shared kids’ room everyone will love!

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How to Prepare for a Winter Home Emergency

How to Prepare for a Winter Home Emergency
Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

A winter home emergency kit can be an easy or complex project depending on your level of preparation. 

In most cases, people are more likely to take the “stay warm and fed” approach, rather than the “be prepared for a zombie apocalypse” narrative, and while it never hurts to prepare, we will be more concerned with the former approach.

Thankfully, you probably have all kinds of things around the house that would be helpful. With just a few additions and a little organization, you will have a complete emergency kit.

The following tips can be adapted to suit your needs based on your location, the weather and the size of your home, as well as the amount of storage space you have.

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New homeowners must know about these 9 things

Moving into a new home is a huge deal, especially when it’s under your name. Along with the pride, there also comes great responsibility in owning your home. Buying a home is a smart investment that also comes with a few disadvantages. Here we have some tips for new homeowners to know before settling.

1. Emergency house funds

One of the most important homeowners’ tips is to start emergency savings. You cannot go to a landlord/landlady after every or any damage that happens to the house since you are the homeowner now. There is no place where you can get a budget for all the damages that might happen to your home, so it is safer to be prepared than be sorry later. Keep aside some money and keep collecting every penny you can for your home. This will help you more and take a little stress out from a usually stressful situation.

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