Optimizing Your Home Office Space

home officeGuest Blogger: Jasmine Smith

Making the most out of your home office space is vital, especially when it boils down to productivity. Having a simplistic and practical home office space will always ensure that you can knuckle down and get your concentration cap on. There’s always room for a bit of fun, but the main key is to design a place where you can concentrate and work in peace. Read More

Make a Small Home Office Feel Bigger With These Tips

Contemporary Home OfficeGuest Blogger: Lana Hawkins

Working in a small claustrophobic space can be quite depressing and far from inspiring. However, most of us are not so lucky to be working in an enormous office full of light, so we try to make the most of what we have. How can we redesign our office space so that it seems bigger and brighter without demolishing a few walls or moving to a completely different place? Here are a few tips you can use to change your working environment so that you feel happier and more satisfied. Read More