In 2016, Pantone decided to change it up by offering two stand out colors of the year. According to Pantone, the two colors of the year, Rose Quartz and Serenity “demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness, as well as, a soothing sense of order and peace.” Pantone explains that a direct correlation between consumers seeking mindfulness, reassurance and security were the reasons for selecting two colors to represent 2016. Specifically, these two colors together are being used interchangeably by the genders represented in fashion trends. Using a soft rose and sky blue to denote gender equality is yet another reason for supporting the blend of these two colors. Read More
Home Maintenance Tip: Clean the Oven

With Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays coming up, what a great time to tackle that one maintenance task that everyone forgets but can make the difference in the way your meals taste. That’s right the cleaning the oven task! Cleaning the oven can be done easily with the right tools and cleaning solutions. What better way to get ready for the baking and the cooking and the anticipation of delicious tasting food ready to eat during the next few months! Read More
When Buying a New Home, What are your Property non-negotiables?
Buying a new home or property is a daring challenge many people fail to stand up to. A good deal in the real estate market is not a dime a dozen, and can be quite difficult to strike. Those becoming homeowners for the first time should brace themselves. Especially when operating on a tight budget. To make the decision making process easier, you must come up with a list of non-negotiables. These are the elements and properties of the living environment you cannot do without. Read More
It is time to Air Out that House for Better Air Quality
Summer is coming to a close and air conditioning is no longer needed. But before we head into winter, when we close up our windows and turn on our heat, we have some time to air out our homes and get them smelling fresh and clean. Opening your windows and airing out your home can improve the air quality in your home. Along with these other tips you can have a fall filled with freshness.
Clean your Home
Air quality is also dependent upon a clean house. Cleaning your floors and vacuuming your carpets will remove the dirt from the areas. Dusting your furniture and your ceiling fans will remove the dust that can build up and cause pollutants in your air, so dust your home at least once a week. Remember to remove dust from baseboards or wainscoating along walls. These areas can trap dust along their edges. Read More
Prepping Your House for Market: 5 Areas That Will Make or Break Your Home Inspection

You have butterflies in your stomach. You can’t decide which perfume to use — flowery and feminine or bold so he knows you mean business. Should you start in the kitchen or go straight upstairs? And should you tell him about that thing in the attic?
You have a date with a house inspector, and you can’t back out now.
Home Inspection
A home inspection is a crucial step in putting your house on the market. Buyers need to collect as much information about the property as possible to be sure they’re investing wisely. And for sellers, a poor prognosis can mean the difference between an easy sale and a long list of costly repairs.
A successful inspection boils down to these five priority areas: … more
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