It comes up often, how do appliances and home solutions secure an Energy Star ranking? And what is the value of Energy Star appliances and equipment to my home? A solution must meet minimum standards defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. The list of standards can be found here. One of the standards listed is the ability to measure energy efficiency effectiveness. Another standard is that the products need to be labeled energy efficient.
The infographic below shows the impact a home has on our environment. The result, homes use a lot of energy. Along with this information, the infographic shows the value of using Energy Star rated appliances and equipment. This is important because heating and air conditioning units are the most expensive energy forms used in our homes. Therefore, finding solutions that can reduce energy consumption are good for our homes and the environment.
How to Implement Energy Efficient Solutions
By implementing Energy Star certified solutions in your home, you can also qualify for specific tax credits. To learn more about these tax credits visit the Energy Star site. Taking care of your equipment and home are also important. With good home maintenance, you can extend the life of your equipment and reduce energy consumption. These helpful tips give you basic tasks you can perform to keep your equipment in good working order. These tips also help maximize energy efficiency. Using HomeZada’s maintenance features helps with scheduling and reminding yourself when to perform these tasks.

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