People who have a dedicated living room in their home usually have specific living room furnishings in a more formal sitting room style than the more casual everyday family room style. A living room is often used as a conversation room or gathering room when guests come to the house. It is sometimes used as a quiet reading room for members of the family because it sometimes has some great quiet space. Since formal living room furnishings and the rooms themselves are not used frequently. Homeowners usually save money by budgeting to fully furnish a living room with living room furnishings when they are ready to get this home remodel project under way. The living room is often times attached or very near the dining room, so determining a style or theme for the living room may also have a direct impact on your dining room. Decorating a living room is definitely a separate room however we just say that sometimes there is a flow to house design.
Items to furnish a living room
Depending on the size of the room, your budget, and your goals, there are a number of different items to consider when developing a budget for the living room. Remember this is a framework. The good thing about decorating today, is that the world is your oyster and design styles are never ending. It is your time to be creative. These items may or may not be apart of your overall living room furnishings design but they are listed to help you understand what you may need.
Chairs | Sofa |
Coffee Table | Wall Hangings |
End Tables | Wallpaper |
Lamps | Window Treatment |
Love Seat |
How to plan for decorating a living room
It is good to measure the dimensions of your living room and sketch them out. It is useful to include any hallway openings and doors to adjacent rooms, as well as, sketching the windows on to your diagram. Remember to add fireplaces is you have one in your room.
The next goal is to determine what furniture configuration you are looking for such as a love seat with two chairs, or a sofa and a love seats or just a sofa or any other combination of living room furnishings. Once you figure out the main seating configuration, you can start to fill out various tables such as end tables, coffee tables or bookcases and other shelving. Remember when you are looking for the furniture, you need to measure the furniture too. Some furniture might be too big and not fit in the room or be too small and not give you the look you are interested in your new living room. Also remember doorways and be sure to make sure large chairs or sofas can fit through the doorways, otherwise these pieces may be going back to the store.
Don’t forget to think about draperies, window coverings and wall decorations as part of your overall living room furnishings budget. All these items can fit together in a common theme with a color palette that works for you. You can also track all this information to help you manage your choices and your budgets in HomeZada’s home remodel projects features.
Have fun and happy decorating!
First, thanks to your family for supporting our country. We all really appreciate your commitments. And how much fun to decorate a room every couple of years. Moving might be tough but certainly getting to try new styles could be fun.