My Pet’s Hair is Everywhere! Help Me with Pet Hair!

pet hairAnimals shed. It’s natural and there’s no stopping it. That doesn’t mean you should be O.K. with dog or cat hair preventing you or your house guests from being able to see what color your couch is. There’s no way to prevent a dog or cat from shedding, but there are some things you can do to make the shedding manageable and manage your pet hair in and around your home. Read More

Check Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors this Fall

 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide DetectorsWhether you want to believe it or not, winter is almost here. If you are a homeowner that means preparing for snow, ice, and bitter cold temperatures. When we are doing things like weatherstripping our home to keep cold air out, we sometimes fail to realize that we are trapping air and other things in. God forbid, if there is a fire, that means smoke is trapped in. Fall is a great time of year to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are functioning properly. If your house has oil or gas burning appliances such as a furnace and it malfunctions, that means carbon monoxide Read More

Outdoor Furniture Maintenance to Make Your Furniture Last

Outdoor Furniture MaintenanceIt’s probably happened to a majority of us. We buy fancy new outdoor furniture for our patio for the summer, we love it… we show it off… we use it every other day. Then it starts getting cold and we don’t use it as often, but it still continues to sit outside. Then winter comes and it snows. And the furniture still sits outside. Then it gets stained. It stinks. It gets ruined. So outdoor furniture maintenance is lacking in this case, but lesson learned. Read More

A Step to Organization with an Electronic Calendar

A Step to Organization with an Electronic CalendarWhy is using a calendar important to most people? Using a calendar is necessary when trying to schedule meetings, sharing the responsibility for getting family members to their appropriate activities and destinations, and securing invited guests at specific and special events. Read More

3 Green Cleaning Products to Keep Your Home Chemical Free and Clean!

Green Cleaning ProductsLet’s assume that the general public is relatively aware of the dangers of household cleaners and the dangerous chemicals they are made of . If you aren’t one of the assumed general public, read our blog post “The Invisible Home Toxins“. If that’s the case and we do know what dangers household cleaners can be, then why do we continue to use them? Because they are convenient to buy from the store? Maybe it’s because what we have all used for as long as we can remember?  Or because we don’t know what else to use? It is most likely a combination of the three. Read More