Making Chores Fun

Making Chores FunChores are not generally fun, nor does anyone even want to do them. The simple word, chore, does not depict the best view of a the activity. The dictionary defines chore as (1) a small or odd job; routine task (2) chores, the everyday work around a house or farm and (3) a hard or unpleasant task i.e. Solving the problem was quite a chore. With all this negativity, how do your get the family to unite to help out with the work around the house? How about creating some new ways to get chores done. And how about adding some fun into the overall process of weekend chores? These three steps can help you get the family involved and keep them involved in helping keep your home clean.  Read More

Q&A with Harrisburg Home Inventory Owner, Anthony Will

Harrisburg Home Inventory LogoMany people wonder what a home inventory professional is and what they do to help homeowners better understand what they own in their home. Harrisburg Home Inventory and its owner, Anthony Will decided to help us understand the role of a home inventory professional and how it can help you in times of need. Harrisburg Home Inventory is a home inventory services company that provides digital home inventories to homeowners and businesses that are looking to document their assets to show proof of ownership in case of disaster, theft or other unforeseen situations. Harrisburg Home Inventory also provides estate planning home inventories. Anthony Will, owner of Harrisburg Home Inventory, is experienced in moving often and worldwide with an extensive military background. Anthony’s extensive moves lead him to his current path of wanting to help clients become knowledgeable about what they own. His abilities throughout his military career involved supporting technical solutions and teams while also understanding the human aspect of getting the job done. Read More

Fall Decorating with Natural Elements

natural fall decoratingAdding elements of fall to your home can be easy with a walk around your yard or in your local park. Adding pieces from nature can bring fall to your doorsteps naturally and easily. Picking up branches and pine cones. Even fighting a few squirrels and chipmunks for some acorns can lend itself to some spectacular designs. Choosing to add natural fall decorating elements can also reduce the costs of your decorating or at best, create multi-purpose decorating. Read More

Food Themed Wacky Beds Infographic

With all the talk of food this time of year and for all the foodies out there, here are some fun wacky beds that may be of interest. These wacky beds envelope you in their buns and wrappers. As a result, you will have so much fun in your food based sleeping quarters. Some may think, these beds are whimsical, entertaining and definitely cozy. Some of these sleeping arrangements are perfect for a quick trip to a campsite. But maybe getting cozy like a s’more is not your idea of a great nighttime experience. However, these beds sure make you think about the endless design possibilities within your home. What ideas of food based beds could you imagine sleeping in? Tell us your story about what type of fun design elements you would like to sleep in at the HomeZad’sa Facebook Page. Please reference Wacky Beds!


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HomeZada Fall Cleaning Checklist to Help Get Those Tasks Completed

Fall is upon us and what a great time to get some quick cleaning done that we often forget. When the weather starts getting cooler and we are stuck inside, this is the time to tackle cleaning. Getting these tasks completed can easily be done every couple of weekends. Fall is a great time to clean and prepare for the germs getting ready to enter the home. Especially if you have kids going back to school. It is going to start getting dark soon, so making sure all light bulbs are working will prevent injury. Also checking outside lights will help when returning home after a night out. Use this fall cleaning checklist to get you started on your fall cleaning schedule.

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