The homeowner lifecycle comprises of buying a home, managing the home and selling that home. The average homeowner buys and sells approximately 6 -7 homes in their lifetime. Everything from becoming a first time home buyer, upgrading to a larger home, and possibly upgrading again. Some homeowners decide that buying a second home for rentals or vacation is a valuable homeowner step. And finally, downsizing into a smaller home once family members have decided to move into their own homes. During these different phases of buying and selling homes, you are managing them and taking care of them to ensure their value. You are looking to keep these homes efficient and it is important that these homes keep your family safe. Read More
Home Security Tips Before You Leave for Vacation
Woohoo, it is summer vacation time!! It is time to pack the bags, get in the car, hop a plane or RV it to your favorite destination! But before you leave, we want to offer a few home security tips on preparing your home while you are away on vacation. Vacations and holidays are some of the top times of year where burglaries are highest. There is nothing worse than coming home from a fantastic vacation to find that your home has been burglarized. To protect your home when you are away, prepare your home with these simple tasks. Read More
Tips on Properly Displaying your United States Flag
Patriotism is definitely upon with our upcoming Independence Day! July 4th brings about BBQ’s and fireworks and flags galore. The Unites States flag has evolved over many years respresenting the history of the US. The original flag focused on the original 13 states that initially represented the US. Over time, the United States flag has changed to include all 50 states. The most current United States flag looks like this:
Tips on Cooling Your Home Without Using your AC
We are in the midst of summer and the heat is upon us. This is the time of year that the air conditioner is on full blast and the electric bill is increasing. What are we to do? Increasing expenses versus being comfortable. These tips can help you keep your home cool without even using your AC (air conditioner). Read More
The Beginner’s Guide to Bulb Gardening
Have you ever thought about starting your own garden? If not, now is the perfect time to give it some serious consideration! In addition to being one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. Gardening can be a fantastic creative outlet for homeowners to engage. Planting a flower garden is also a great way to add color and vibrance to your home. This color can be added in a way that is sustainable, natural, and leaves you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You’ll also have a steady supply of flowers to bring with you when you visit friends and family! Read More