Brighten your Home and Summer with Floral Prints

watercolor-prints-interior-decorating-ideas-1Summer brings about bright and sunny days, beach weather and bouquets of delight. Sometimes it feels like everything is better in summer with the colorful landscape of flowers. Yards and parks are in full bloom. Why not bring the floral concept indoors to create a lighter, summer feeling. Summer time home decor can also get everyone in the mood to celebrate the weather and enjoy this time of year.

Fresh Flowers

Adding fresh flowers is the most immediate way to introduce the floral concept. Whether you can create a bouquet from your backyard beauties or you take a quick trip to your local florist or grocery store, adding fresh flowers to a room brightens the area. And also brings in the Read More

The Dynamics of Baby Boomers and their Homes

baby boomersMost people define that Baby Boomer generation as those born between 1946 and 1964. Which puts them in the age range today between 50 and 68. As with any generation, there are people with varying degrees of financial security. Which means different things regarding how boomers view their homes.  Let’s take a deeper look at a few different trends. Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Inspect Roof

Inspect RoofSummer is the perfect time to inspect your roofs. During the summer, you generally have good weather which makes it safer to climb on ladders and walk the roof. Summer also is the time of year when roofing companies are less busy. So you can get a good rate on using a service company for inspections. Roofs can be damaged by various elements including high winds, heavy snowfalls, tree branches, debris from storms. And if you need to climb on your roof, walking on it could cause damage. Read More

5 Ways to Get Your Basement Organized Quickly and Effectively

basement packingGuest Blogger: Jennifer Caughey

Summer is here! With the longer days and — if you’re lucky — more time off, many people set aside this time for finishing projects around the house. One of the top projects on everyone’s list: getting more organized. Your basement in particular probably needs work, if you’re anything like the rest of us.

It’s also a time for vacations, however, and who wants to have to stay home to work on their to-do list instead of traveling, sightseeing, and relaxing? Luckily you can do both if you power through organizing your basement using these five tips. Read More

What you Need to Know about Moving Tips for a Successful Move

Moving TipsMoving out of one home and into another can seem simple but there are some complexities to moving that require a detail account of activities and items.  There are some areas of a move that you need to know about that can help you ensure an organized and positive move. Here are some moving tips to get through a seamless move.  Taking a deep dive into what you own, knowing what you need for your next home, understanding how you are going to transport your home’s contents, and what you need when you move in can bring you some serenity before the unpacking begins. Read More