Desert Inspired Home Design and Décor

Desert Inspired Home DesignWhen if comes to living in the United States, homes come in a lot of different designs. Some of these designs are traditional. Bungalows and mountain cabins exists. And Frank Lloyd Wright inspired homes are found. However, in specific parts of our country a very unique and one of kind design exists. This design is southwest or desert inspired home design. There are specific elements of desert design and decor and we would like to share these elements with you.  Read More

10 Ways to Decorating Your Fireplace Mantel

Fireplace MantelYour fireplace may have a mantel that can add some character to a room. Your family may use your mantel for different tasks. Let’s take a look at how your fireplace mantel can be used and how to make it stand out. There are so many different ways you can decorate your mantel.  Read More

7 Must Have Furniture Pieces Every Home Needs

furniture piecesHave your ever thought of those furniture pieces you must have versus all the other nice to have pieces that take up space? We have. We thought about all the furniture that we have in our homes and talked about what pieces were definite must haves. Our team challenged all kinds of living scenarios, like who has kids and who doesn’t. Who lives in a large place and a small place. We look into consideration lifestyles like who works from home, who cooks and who doesn’t. We definitely dug deep to find what we think are best pieces to have in every home. Here are the seven must have furniture pieces we though every home needs.  Read More

The Color of Your Bedroom will Affect your Sleep

sleepThere are a lot of people talking about sleep recently. When people do not get enough sleep, they become stressed, overwhelmed, and tired. Ultimately making them less productive in the busy schedules of life. They can also become sick and frustrated without the proper amount of rest. The question now is can the color of your bedroom actually impact your sleep? Well, it sure can. Read More

Pink in Your Home Design

In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to show you some cool ways to add pink into your home without losing your style. Home design can be a great way to support those that are faced with challenges like breast cancer. Maybe you have a friend or family member that has suffered from this disease and showing your support can go a long way. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was designed to bring more awareness to the effect of this disease, the early detection and treatment of the disease. Read More