6 Halloween Decorating Tips


Goblins and Ghouls are on their way and maybe a super hero or two. Halloween brings all kinds out to show their costume inspiration and is a fun time of year to see all the different colors ready to showcase your home.  Fall, and in particular Halloween, offers some great concepts on decorating and can bring out your inner witch or demon. Here are some Halloween decorating tips to help you define how you want Read More

Everything’s Coming up Pink

In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are highlighting how to incorporate pink decor into your home. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was designed to bring more awareness to the effect of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month also brings awareness to early detection and treatment of the disease.

As we highlight the color pink, we showcase the reasons if makes great home decor. This color gives off a calming or sedating feel to a room and invites romance and love. Here are some great examples of incorporating shades of this color into your home. And with pink, you can still remain stylish. If you are not a huge pink fan, Read More

Children’s Locker Storage

Children's Locker Storage

It is amazing all the items you need to get the children off and ready for school each day. Do they have their coats, hats, shoes, backpacks, and books? Do they have some sports event or practice later in the day that requires a uniform or sporting equipment? The constant worry of does my child have everything they need for the day is consistent. Especially, if the family is not organized. A way to get organized is by creating children’s locker storage.

When creating this storage area is it important to remember what your child needs in order to seamlessly get off to school everyday. Some key areas to consider are: Read More

How to Create a Gallery Wall That Wows

Create a Gallery Wall Guest Blogger: Tim Smith

Creating an interesting art grouping on the wall is trickier than it looks, but when it’s pulled off, you’ll have a wall straight out of a magazine. Naturally, it’s best to put some careful consideration into how to go about it before you start pounding holes in your wall. To create a gallery wall, first, decide what you want to display. Photographic art, 3D art, textile art, or a mixture of various items?

If you want to create the quintessential photo art gallery with different size frames, simply take some paper (newspaper or garbage bags work fine) and trace around each frame you intend to hang in order to create a temporary template. Experiment with the configuration by taping Read More

Even Moms Need a Back to School Workstation

school workstationWith the kids back in school, activities may have increased for parents at house. Tracking all the different after school and weekend activities from dance to soccer, from trumpet lessons to art classes, from math tutors to volunteer programs is hard for a parent to manage. Families with multiple children that have different activities and homework can also be challenging. Read More