How Much House Can I Afford? It Depends!

Are you wondering, “How much house can I afford?”?The answer depends on your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), down payment, and other factors.

Being a homeowner isn’t just about choosing a house. You must also ensure that you can afford the monthly mortgage when it knocks on your door. By following the 28/36 rule, you will save money and ensure that you can afford the purchase.

Choose a home with an affordable monthly payment. Besides saving money, you will avoid the awkward position of having to sell every stick of furniture just to make ends meet.

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How to Improve The Chances of Getting The Home You Want

How to Improve The Chances of Getting The Home You Want
Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

It’s no secret…getting a mortgage to buy your dream home can be nerve-wracking!

There’s a lot of things that can go wrong; appraisal comes in too low, there are liens on the property that will take court action to resolve (e.g. unresolved interests in the property), termite damage, etc.

What’s the Best Way to Use Your Home Equity?

home equityThe many weekends you spent doing yard work until dark or the hours spent ripping down an entire room covered with wallpaper is paying off. Sweat equity has become home equity and this financial resource can be used in many ways. Experts at Unison explain why: Read More

How to Finance a Home Remodel

remodelGuest Blogger: Carter Wessman

Often times, when you buy a home, it’s not perfect. Fortunately, the magic of remodeling allows you to craft your current residence or a prospective property into your dream home. However, unless you’re flush with cash, you won’t be able to pay for your renovation project out of pocket. When faced with this dilemma, there are several ways for you to go about getting the funds. Read More