National Preparedness Month and Tips Getting You Ready

September is National Preparedness Month. The Federal Emergency Maintenance Association (FEMA) coordinate over 30,000 members and 2,000 events around the United States to help people know what it means to be prepared for any emergency.  This Preparedness Community is a collaborative community where others share support and information in an effort to understand emergency preparedness. While this group also announces over 2,000 events nationwide that helps others become educated about hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, forest fires, house fires, and so much more. Read More

5 Reasons a Home Inventory is a Good Thing

With National Preparedness Month right around the corner, it’s time to take care of your home and family for unexpected events. Fifty nine percent of homeowners do not have a home inventory and most homeowners who have a home inventory do not regularly update their home inventory. Here are five reasons a home inventory is a good thing. Read More

What You Need to Know When Holding Yard Sales

Yard Sales

On August 10 it is National Yard Sale Day. A perfect day to get your unused or time to move on objects out of your home. In order to get yard sales going, you need some friendly tips.

Know what you want to sell or remove from your home. Read More

How a Home Inventory Helps with an Insurance Claim

Insurance Claim

According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), home insurance companies pay more than $150 billion each year in claims from policyholders. These claims are for damages caused by fires, tornadoes, robberies, dog bites, falls and other covered events. Having a home inventory makes sure you won’t get shortchanged if you need to tap into part of that $150 billion. Here are four reasons why a home inventory helps with an insurance claim.

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