Do you have a packed linen closet or maybe you cannot find exactly what you need in your linen closet. This article by Redbook Magazine gives 5 great pointers on how to make some space in your linen closet. Read More
Do you have a packed linen closet or maybe you cannot find exactly what you need in your linen closet. This article by Redbook Magazine gives 5 great pointers on how to make some space in your linen closet. Read More
Have you ever wondered what your favorite room would look like with a different color wall? It is so easy to use paint to refresh and redesign a room. However, choosing the color that you just have to have is hard. You bring home paint chips and paint samples. You paint your wall with 5 different paint colors to see what it looks like before painting your whole room. But you still are not sure of your final paint color decision. Read More
Did you know that after 10 years, 30% of smoke alarms will fail? Did you know that a house fire is reported every 90 seconds with over 1.9 million house fires reported every year? With these staggering statistics it is important to ensure a fire prevention and readiness plan.
When your home improvement project is done, crack open your libation of choice and enjoy it! Share it with family and friends. You worked hard at putting it all together, you might as well celebrate a little, or a lot depending on the home improvement project and the details of the project. Read More
Did you know that 59% of prospective home buyers want a home office in their next home. Home offices are great rooms that allow you to work from home if your job allows, conduct your personal home business in a quiet environment and also allows your students to study if necessary.
When designing your home office keep a couple of things in mind. How many people in your family will use this office? What will the purpose of its use be? What furniture will you require? Will you require multiple work stations or desks or will your require a small conference area to Read More