How To Care for Your Lawn Before the Holidays

How To Care for Your Lawn Before the Holidays

When you have a lawn, you have the huge responsibility of taking care of it throughout the year. You might think that you don’t have to maintain your yard because it’s cooler outside during the holiday season, but that’s not true. You will still have a few maintenance tasks to do here and there to keep things up to snuff. Here are some things you should know about caring for your lawn before the holidays to keep things tidy year-round.

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4 Home Improvement Resolutions for 2023

4 Home Improvement Resolutions for 2023
Credit: Pixabay

A new year is just around the corner, and as it gets closer, the resolutions follow as always. December is usually the time to summarize and revise the past year and make our plans for the next one. 

New Year resolutions often include very personal things, like getting more healthy, working out more frequently, or looking for a better job. These are mostly stereotypical resolutions, but there is more to it than just “I am going to start working out regularly after the holidays.” 

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How To Keep Your Home Feeling Warm and Cozy This Winter

How To Keep Your Home Feeling Warm and Cozy This Winter

Winter is coming, which means we’re all going to be spending more time indoors. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to fend off winter’s chill and stay comfortable inside all season. Keep reading to learn some quick tips to help you keep your home feeling warm and cozy this winter.

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What to Look for When Buying a Generator

At best, a power outage is an inconvenience because it interferes with your ability to work and enjoy yourself at home, such as your lights, TV, and computer. At worst, a blackout can actually endanger your life because it can disable your heating system in the dead of winter, disable your air conditioner in the middle of a summer heat wave, or disrupt life-saving medical equipment.

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