The Best of Zen of Zada in 2015

Best of Zen of ZadaHappy New Year!

2015 was a fantastic year with homeowners eager to learn how to take care of their homes and learn how to get them ready for sale. In 2015, there were some popular posts that were the most important to our Zen of Zada followers and HomeZada users. We recap 2015 with the best of Zen of Zada.

Hidden Areas

It seems that many homeowners were focused on those hard to reach and yet the dirtiest places in your home. It is amazing how we forget about those simple places to clean. Zada fans also wanted reminders on specific areas Read More

Entryway Organization to Clean up Potential Messes

entryway organizationEntryways are areas welcoming everyone into your home. But what if those visiting have coats, umbrellas or other items that need storing prior to engaging in the entertaining part of the visit to your home. Entryway organization can help store these other items that will also help everyone find what they came with when it is time to leave. Read More

The Top 10 Home Technology Solutions

Pet cube 1 - Home TechnologyThere is an ever growing amount of tools to allow you to track your home using your mobile devices. These home technology solutions give homeowners the ability to understand more details about their home. Some of the top home technology can add value to how you manage your home while you are away from your home. Here are the top ten home technology solutions that can easily be added for better home management. Read More

Tracking Important Home Documents

Tracking home documents can often be an overwhelming task. Concerns over what do you keep, what do you throw out, and where do you store these documents. Tracking documents can help provide more visibility to your home spending trends, prepare you for budgeting the following year and help keep detailed accounts of who your vendors are that you work with to fix, clean, and insure your home.

When you buy a home, you generally secure a mortgage and have a purchase contract of your home. These documents are important to keep in case you need to reference them in the future. Further, keeping a copy of your title can also help track the history of ownership of the home while an appraisal can give you an idea of the value of your home at the time of appraisal. If you do not have these documents, do not worry. Your title company and mortgage company most likely have a copy within their offices or systems. Read More

10 Reasons to Manage Home Data through the Homeowner Lifecycle

Homeowner LifecycleThe homeowner lifecycle comprises of buying a home, managing the home and selling that home. The average homeowner buys and sells approximately 6 -7 homes in their lifetime. Everything from becoming a first time home buyer, upgrading to a larger home, and possibly upgrading again. Some homeowners decide that buying a second home for rentals or vacation is a valuable homeowner step. And finally, downsizing into a smaller home once family members have decided to move into their own homes. During these different phases of buying and selling homes, you are managing them and taking care of them to ensure their value. You are looking to keep these homes efficient and it is important that these homes keep your family safe. Read More