10 Easy Closet Door Makeovers You’ll Love!

While some homeowners remodel their entire houses, others are perfectly content to change a few cosmetic details here and there.

Even a small project can have a profound effect on your home’s style. 

If you don’t have the time (or budget) to renovate all of your rooms, one simple change, such as a closet door makeover, can make a big impact!

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Year of the Tiger and How to Use it in Your Décor

Year of the Tiger and How to Use it in Your Décor

This year is the Year of the Tiger in Chinese New Year. Tigers are considered strong, brave, and independent. These magnificent animals also represent courage and ambition. There are approximately 3,500 tigers that are in the wild. With the rarity of tigers and the Year of the Tiger in Chinese astrology, you too can incorporate tigers into your home décor.  Or you just might have a tiger as your college mascot. Whatever the reason, here are some examples of how to use tigers in your home décor.

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8 Clever Bathroom Storage Upcycling Ideas

In a small house, storage is at a premium, but if your storage solution can serve double duty, and triple duty if it’s repurposed! 

Not only do you have something useful when you’re done, but you’re giving a rescue item new life!

Think about it…why use dull plastic bins when you can create a unique DIY bathroom storage solution? 

If you are looking for ways to store things in the bath, here are some repurposed ideas for you. Your wallet, the planet, and your bathroom will all benefit from upcycling!

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10 Winter Landscaping Ideas You Can Do Right Now!

Winter has its own unique beauty, but over time, the gloomy days and seemingly endless nights can wear on you. The longer it goes, the more you dream of long, warm summer nights and beautiful, bright colors all around.

If you’re feeling a bit of cabin fever, seeing nothing but gray and gloom around you for what feels like days on end, there’s something you can do about it. Right now!

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