Awesome Shelf Ideas for Kids’ Room

tree shelf
Keeping kids’ rooms in order is one of the most overwhelming tasks when house upkeep is in question. On top of keeping the usual problematic items such as clothes and footwear stored, there are other things that need to be considered and that often present an even bigger issue. For example, the myriad of all kinds of toys, different games of various sizes, collections, school books and items and anything else that your kids use needs to be safely stored, as well. Luckily, there is a way to remedy this. These awesome shelves ideas will solve all storage problems.

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How Clutter Clogs Your Space and Your Brain

clutter freeGuest Blogger: Robyn Reynolds

Clutter. According to Webster’s dictionary the definition is “to fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness.” For most people they take this at face value – piles and piles of things all over the place taking up valuable space. And of course, at times it is difficult to find what you need when you need it. Clutter is simply a form of energy that creates a block in your life. What people don’t realize is that the clutter is Read More

Victoria’s Secret Eliminates It’s Catalogs … What Does this Mean?

CatalogsLast week, the Victoria’s Secret organization decided to say goodbye to direct mail catalogs … breaking some hearts everywhere, but not as many as you think. The company that owns Victoria’s Secret, L Brands, is not only saving close to $150 million in expenses, but they are moving with the times. Their financial executive indicated that the catalogs did not have an impact on sales. And the organization wanted to relook the way they built their company. What would a company built for the first time in 2016 look like versus one built in 1977.  Read More

Let’s get organized!


Guest Blogger: Zoe Clark

Do you feel like your home is caving in from all angles, and your belongings are ready to pounce on you when you least expect it? Perhaps it is time to roll up your sleeves and get down to work: however disinclined you may be to start a lengthy decluttering process just now, your mess will not take care of itself. Here are some tips on how to restore order in your living area and turn your shabby place into a romantic, snug spot perfect for relaxation and personal development. Read More

Getting the Most of your Home Storage Areas

Garage-Storage-IdeasThere are generally four major storage areas in your house outside of cupboards, drawers, closets and under beds. These areas are attics, garages, basements and outdoor sheds. These major storage areas are designed to allow you to store seasonal items or less frequently used items. Attics and basements are also often used to store keepsakes and memories. Memories in the forms of photos, Read More