Spring Maintenance Tips Guide to Decluttering the Home

Spring Maintenance Tips Guide to Decluttering the HomeGuest Blogger:  Jenni Dusina

Spring is a time of renewal and provides a fresh start to home organization. It’s the perfect time to do a quick run through of your things to evaluate what stays and what goes. But where do you start after a long cold (cluttered) winter? Here are a few high traffic areas you should take on first:


  • Edit your wardrobe: time to switch out your wardrobe for spring. As you pack away sweaters and boots, ask yourself what should stay and what should go. The general rule is if you haven’t worn an item in more than three months, it’s time to donate the item to someone who will.
  • Flex your storage: if you’re dealing with stationary shelves that dictate where to store clothes and shoes, you’re probably wasting valuable space. Adjustable shelves allow you to change them around items being stored.
  • Protect seasonal clothes in airtight containers. Store them in a guest closet, basement or attic until next season. If you don’t have extra space, store them in containers below the bed or on top shelves in your closet.

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10 Tips to Organize a Small Laundry Room

Laundry Room

Guest Blogger:  Francesca Holmes

The laundry room is one area of your home which is frequented on an everyday basis, and where you get a lot of household work done. With so much going on in one place, it is bound to get cluttered which can, sometimes, leave you overwhelmed. Whether it is the pile of dirty clothes, coats randomly thrown around, or soiled socks strewn about, they’re all eyesores. Read More

Fine Linen Storage

fine linen

Oftentimes, we pull out special fine linens for special occasions like a holiday, birthday, anniversary or some special party. When you are using fine linens and you need to store them, you need a location that will keep the linens neat and free from wrinkles. Fine linen storage requires good clean areas that will protect your prized linens.  Read More

Children’s Locker Storage

Children's Locker Storage

It is amazing all the items you need to get the children off and ready for school each day. Do they have their coats, hats, shoes, backpacks, and books? Do they have some sports event or practice later in the day that requires a uniform or sporting equipment? The constant worry of does my child have everything they need for the day is consistent. Especially, if the family is not organized. A way to get organized is by creating children’s locker storage.

When creating this storage area is it important to remember what your child needs in order to seamlessly get off to school everyday. Some key areas to consider are: Read More

Even Moms Need a Back to School Workstation

school workstationWith the kids back in school, activities may have increased for parents at house. Tracking all the different after school and weekend activities from dance to soccer, from trumpet lessons to art classes, from math tutors to volunteer programs is hard for a parent to manage. Families with multiple children that have different activities and homework can also be challenging. Read More