Why is using a calendar important to most people? Using a calendar is necessary when trying to schedule meetings, sharing the responsibility for getting family members to their appropriate activities and destinations, and securing invited guests at specific and special events. Read More
HomeZada is Open for Business

It all started with air filters! Years ago, we built a house and after living in it for almost a year, the fabulous new carpet started turning black along the edges and under the doors. Beth looked at John, and asked, “Did you change the air filters?” John looked at Beth and said, “I thought you were changing the air filters.” Needless to say, the air filters were clogged and black. The spark for HomeZada was born.
Why isn’t there a software system to remind homeowners of everything Read More
Get Your House Ready for Halloween

3 Green Cleaning Products to Keep Your Home Chemical Free and Clean!

Welcome to the Zen of Zada the HomeZada Blog
Welcome to our newly launched blog, Zen of Zada, that is focused on the homeowner. Organizing and maintaining a house can be overwhelming and we want to help our readers understand how to manage their home. The Zen of Zada is intended to help novice or expert homeowners understand all the issues around managing a home. Our team at HomeZada will provide you tips on how to care and perform specific maintenance tasks to help your home operate well. We will offer tips on project management and how to manage the details of your projects including costs and selections. Tips on home financial awareness and how to track all the things in your home to understand what you own will also be important to overall home management and what Read More