If you leave a clogged drain for too long you could be opening a door to a whole host of problems that will end up causing you more harm than good. Having a clogged drain should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid further costs and issues from arising in your home, and we have some insightful drain cleaning information here on everything from how to unclog a drain, a toilet and whether you really need professional help to get the job done. Read More
Getting your Student Organized by Taking an Inventory
College is around the corner and students are getting their gear ready to live on or off campus in their own dorm rooms or apartments. Often students decide together what they will bring as a roommate and parents are often securing the mini frig’s, the televisions, bikes, computers, microwaves, bed linens and more. These items can be expensive and often are not necessarily covered under a parent’s homeowners insurance. Documenting these items by taking an inventory of the items will help recover anything if it has been stolen or damaged while your child is away at college. Read More
Tracking Important Home Documents
Tracking home documents can often be an overwhelming task. Concerns over what do you keep, what do you throw out, and where do you store these documents. Tracking documents can help provide more visibility to your home spending trends, prepare you for budgeting the following year and help keep detailed accounts of who your vendors are that you work with to fix, clean, and insure your home.
When you buy a home, you generally secure a mortgage and have a purchase contract of your home. These documents are important to keep in case you need to reference them in the future. Further, keeping a copy of your title can also help track the history of ownership of the home while an appraisal can give you an idea of the value of your home at the time of appraisal. If you do not have these documents, do not worry. Your title company and mortgage company most likely have a copy within their offices or systems. Read More
Buying or Selling a Home? Consider this.
When it comes to California real estate, there are plenty of laws and rules related to the buying or selling a house. However, anyone who has ever purchased real estate knows that reading, understanding, and quickly signing a bunch of pre-printed forms is often an unsettling process. Before you sign, here are a few basics to consider when buying or selling a home. Read More
Decorating Tips that Bring Superheros to your Home
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, Aqua Man and so many more superheros. Where would we be without them? We would might forget about the impossible and the unbelievable. We might forget about the strange and uniqueness of these characters. We might forget about their hidden skills and how often enough they save Gotham or the world. Superheros have been a fascination of our culture for a long time. We make movies about them, we where costumes that depict them, we develop code names that reflect them and we display their look at our offices and on our cars. If you love superheros, why not decorate your home to reflect your love of them. Take a look at some of these great ideas on incorporating superheros in your home. Read More