5 Holiday Tips To Get In The Holiday Spirit

holiday tipsThe holidays are here and full swing! But maybe you are having some trouble getting festive! The holidays can sometimes bring on a lot of stress. As a result, this stress may prevent us from really getting into the holiday spirit. So let’s take a look at some ways to really jump into the holiday spirit but making a few adjustments to your home.  These holiday tips will make life a bit less stressful during this season.  Read More

8 Holiday Storage Tips

christmas-storage-tipsHoliday decorations are often fragile and treasured memories. Storing holiday decorations can be challenging with their odd shapes and sensitivity. Storing holiday decorations also need to be tucked away until they are required at the end of year. So carefully placing these items in a location within you home that will not be touched for 11 months and still being able to access them when the time was right. Getting your decorations properly stored to prevent breakage and yet accessibility when its time to kick off the holidays can be a tricky sitution. These helpful holiday storage tips can help you get your decorations stored and yet ready for the next time they are needed.  Read More

Art of Holiday Decorating: Tips for Seasonal Style

Holiday Decor fro wikimedia-orgGuest Blogger: Francesca Holmes

The holidays are a chance to express your creativity and celebrate the season in style. No matter what holiday you observe, the enjoyment of food, family and friends and festivity is enhanced by a bright and luxurious décor.

The look is easy to accomplish if you have a natural flair for decorating, but if you are attempting to truly transform your home into holiday headquarters this year, we’ve provided some inspiration and six steps to help you make an impression this holiday season. Read More

4 Tips for Dressing Up Your Front Door for the Holidays

dressing up the front door 11

The holidays are a great time to step up your decorating sense.  Whether guests are arriving or parties are in full swing. Or maybe you just want to share the holiday spirit with your neighbors. Adding holiday decor to your front entrance can create a welcoming feeling. Read More

6 Halloween Decorating Tips


Goblins and Ghouls are on their way and maybe a super hero or two. Halloween brings all kinds out to show their costume inspiration and is a fun time of year to see all the different colors ready to showcase your home.  Fall, and in particular Halloween, offers some great concepts on decorating and can bring out your inner witch or demon. Here are some Halloween decorating tips to help you define how you want Read More