Home Maintenance Tip: Insulate Outdoor Pipes

HomeZada Maintenance Tip Insulate Outdoor Pipes

In climates where the temperature drops below freezing, it is important to insulate outdoor pipes for either the home or the landscape irrigation system. Forgetting to insulate outdoor pipes can lead to pipes that can burst and valves that can break due to severely cold temperatures. Insulating outdoor pipes can prevent damage to your home and the plumbing systems during the difficult winter season. The worst thing that can happen is a pipe burst during Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Lubricate Your Garage Door

HomeZada Home Maintenance Lubricate Your Garage Door

Your garage door has a number of moving parts and gets used quite extensively. As a result, those moving parts must be lubricated. Lubricate your garage door in order to prevent a loud and squeaky door. Lubricating your garage door can also keep your door running as efficiently as possible. If you do not lubricate your garage door, your door could wear out faster than it needs to. This can result in more money to replace parts. Or worse, your garage door can come crashing down because your springs break causing damage to property or injury to people.  Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Reorganize Bedroom Closets

Home Maintenance Tip: Reorganize Bedroom ClosetsYour closets probably grow with more and more clothing and personal items in them as the year goes on. Yet, the physical space of the closet doesn’t change. Additionally, your likes and dislikes over which clothes you like and dislike changes over time. This is a great time of year to take the opportunity to reorganize bedroom closets. And if appropriate, Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Clean Patio Furniture for Winter Storage

HomeZada Maintenance Tip Clean Patio Furniture for Winter Storage

It is that time of year, when outdoor activities start becoming limited based on colder weather. Patio furniture is typically not used in the late fall and winter depending on the climate where you live. It is a good idea to clean patio furniture and move it into a dry storage area like your garage or a shed for the winter. By covering and storing your furniture, you can dramatically Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Inspect Grading Around Your House

HomeZada Maintenance Tip Inspect Grading Around the House

As winter approaches, it is time to inspect grading around the perimeter of your home. Many ask why is this maintenance task important. Well, natural landscaping erosion and other projects including neighbors projects may have shifted the slope around the perimeter of the home. Having your grading slope away from your home is best Read More