Working in a small claustrophobic space can be quite depressing and far from inspiring. However, most of us are not so lucky to be working in an enormous office full of light, so we try to make the most of what we have. How can we redesign our office space so that it seems bigger and brighter without demolishing a few walls or moving to a completely different place? Here are a few tips you can use to change your working environment so that you feel happier and more satisfied. Read More
Green, Bright, and Sustainable Homes with Solar Power
Oil and coal have fueled industrial progress throughout the 20th century, but these gains have come at a great cost: the emission of harmful particle pollutants and greenhouse gases. Now that global warming and related ecological concepts are familiar to the general public, many people are looking for ways to reduce the negative impact of human actions on the environment. Renewable sources of energy, such as geothermal vents, solar power, hydroelectric dams and wind turbines, hold out the promise of cheap, renewable, green-friendly energy. Most of these alternative forms of electrical generation are currently impractical, but one of them has been making great strides in price and user-friendliness: solar power. Read More
Getting your Student Organized by Taking an Inventory
College is around the corner and students are getting their gear ready to live on or off campus in their own dorm rooms or apartments. Often students decide together what they will bring as a roommate and parents are often securing the mini frig’s, the televisions, bikes, computers, microwaves, bed linens and more. These items can be expensive and often are not necessarily covered under a parent’s homeowners insurance. Documenting these items by taking an inventory of the items will help recover anything if it has been stolen or damaged while your child is away at college. Read More
Tracking Important Home Documents
Tracking home documents can often be an overwhelming task. Concerns over what do you keep, what do you throw out, and where do you store these documents. Tracking documents can help provide more visibility to your home spending trends, prepare you for budgeting the following year and help keep detailed accounts of who your vendors are that you work with to fix, clean, and insure your home.
When you buy a home, you generally secure a mortgage and have a purchase contract of your home. These documents are important to keep in case you need to reference them in the future. Further, keeping a copy of your title can also help track the history of ownership of the home while an appraisal can give you an idea of the value of your home at the time of appraisal. If you do not have these documents, do not worry. Your title company and mortgage company most likely have a copy within their offices or systems. Read More
Dirtiest Places in Your House … Time to Get Cleaning
So often we forget to clean some of the simplest, but the dirtiest places in the home. Germs, grime and dirt can be found in a lot of inconspicuous areas of the home. Without proper cleaning, these germs can lead to illness of family members or transferring the dirt from one area and to another area. Let’s look at some of the dirty areas in your home and how best to get them clean.
Light switches
That is right! Many people forget to wipe down light switches because they under estimate the use of the switches. However, people coming and going, turning on and off lights and with what kinds of hands could lead to who knows what kind of dirt. Not to mention, dirty hands lead ugly light switches on nice beautiful walls. Read More