7 Great Wedding Gifts for New Homeowners

Weddings are the perfect justification for splashing out and showing your family how much you care. Especially if the newlyweds have just bought a new home!

Think about it: it’s not every day that someone you know and love takes the double-leap of getting hitched and signing a mortgage at the same time.

If a really thoughtful wedding present is out of your budget, which is likely for many people, why not get a bunch of friends and family together, pool your cash, and surprise the couple with something really awesome?

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Ideas to Turn Your Bedroom into a Smart Bedroom

The concept of smart living has changed tremendously during the past decade.

If you think back to it, you’ll find that much of what we can do today wasn’t even imaginable about 10 or 15 years ago. And for most people, the idea of living in a smart home still brings on associations of Disney Channel movies of the late 1990s.

But, things have evolved. Today, anyone can afford to invest in home tech and reap its multiple benefits. And while most people’s focus tends to be on savings and security, it turns out that there are many benefits to having a smart bedroom as well.

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7 Steps to Creating a More Peaceful Bedroom

7 Steps to Creating a More Peaceful Bedroom
Image courtesy: Unsplash

It’s common knowledge that a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health, but if you’re finding it hard to fall (or stay) asleep, maybe your bedroom is to blame.

Follow these tips to keep the busy vibe of the rest of your home from following you into your bedroom.

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10 Quick Tips to Finding the Right Air Purifier for You

10 Quick Tips to Finding the Right Air Purifier for You
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash 

While an air purifier won’t work miracles on the air quality of your home, they will help you breathe somewhat easier. If you’re thinking about purchasing an air purifier here are some quick tips for finding the best one for your needs.

1. Consider both your budget and the size of your home.

You may need multiple air filters depending on the size of your home. So considering air filters for one room or several that are the most used rooms, can be cost cutting measures.