Hi! My name is David and I work in the HomeZada Development team. We have decided to create a short series of blog posts called ‘Feature Spotlight ‘ which highlight some of the features we’ve included within our web and mobile applications to help our customers manage their homes. We’re always looking for feedback, so if you have any questions (or good ideas!) then please feel free to leave feedback here. Read More
A Bathroom Remodel and Six Home Project Management Elements

A bathroom remodel is a larger home remodel project than our previous example of replacing the carpet in a room and requires more planning. But our six key elements of home project management are still applicable with a bigger project. Let’s take a look at how each one applies with the assumption that our bathroom remodel is keeping all the wall locations the same and the plumbing hook-ups in the same spot. Read More
Free Online Home Inventory for Homeowner Insurance

HomeZada announces a FREE subscription for homeowners to create a home inventory securely online. Insurance companies recommend that homeowners document their possessions and keep these records current and safely stored away from the home in case of disaster. HomeZada provides a FREE integrated online and a mobile solution for a home inventory and to be used with homeowner insurance.
“HomeZada is quick and simple in creating a home inventory for homeowner insurance Read More
The HomeZada Mobile for iPhone is Now Available

The process of creating a home inventory just got a lot quicker and easier, as HomeZada launched its HomeZada mobile for iPhone and the iPad. HomeZada Mobile for the iPhone allows you to take pictures of your home and possessions and seamlessly save it with HomeZada’s web application. Read More
Introducing the HomeZada Mobile Android App
As you have already been noticing about our ever-changing world, almost everything is going mobile. HomeZada is no different. We are proud to announce the new HomeZada Mobile Android App. This new mobile application lets you take everything you love about HomeZada with you everywhere you take your phone… which is probably everywhere except the shower!
Here are a few of the HomeZada Mobile Android App features: Read More