3 Green Cleaning Products to Keep Your Home Chemical Free and Clean!

Green Cleaning ProductsLet’s assume that the general public is relatively aware of the dangers of household cleaners and the dangerous chemicals they are made of . If you aren’t one of the assumed general public, read our blog post “The Invisible Home Toxins“. If that’s the case and we do know what dangers household cleaners can be, then why do we continue to use them? Because they are convenient to buy from the store? Maybe it’s because what we have all used for as long as we can remember?  Or because we don’t know what else to use? It is most likely a combination of the three. Read More

A Scented Home, Bringing Freshness Indoors

A Scented Home, Bringing Freshness IndoorsFreshness in a house is a great thing to think of this time of year. The weather is cooling off, homeowners can open their windows to air out their homes. And fall brings some wonderfully lovely scents to create a scented home worth showcasing. The baking of pumpkin and apple pies, the spices around cinnamon and nutmeg and vanilla give the introduction to fall. And its cooling down of temperatures and excitement for the holidays to come. Using the lingering smell of late summer early fall flowers to create a scented home of mums and sunflowers and late blooming roses. Read More

The Invisible Home Toxins

How do you know if your home has invisible home toxins? Sure, everyone would like to assume that their home is relatively toxin free, and most people would swear by it. But truly what is a toxin free home and where are those invisible home toxins we may not be familiar with and where are they lurking in our homes? If you know someone that swears that their home is toxin free, show them the infographic below. Invisible home toxins are hidden in your prescription drugs, cosmetics and your household cleaners. Many of these toxins can be adsorbed in the skin which if you are using them when you are cleaning, maybe investing in a set of gloves might be valuable to protecting your health. And by no means, are we suggesting that you completely get rid of all of your household cleaners, but there are a few things you could keep in mind that will help keep the toxin levels to a minimum in your home:  Read More

Outdoor Lighting Tips for a Better Lit Walkway

They say first impressions are everything. That goes for your home as well. You should also keep in mind that what your home looks like from the outside will be the only impression a majority of people take away about your home. When you are considering what impression you want to make on others, remember that outdoor lighting tips are great to showcase you home at night.

You should think about the exterior of your home in two ways:

1) How it looks during the day

Obviously, the appearance of your home is going to change a lot from day to night, and there are things you have to take into consideration at night that might not necessarily cross your mind when you are sprucing up the exterior appearance of your home.

Outdoor Lighting Tips for a Better Lit Walkway

The majority of your focus might be on the front or street view of your home. You want to highlight the exteriors you are most proud. If you spend hours everyday working on your garden, there are some very cool and creative lighting fixtures you can buy to help highlight the garden at night. If you have a lonesome tree in your front yard that you love buy a light that shines on it and illuminates it at night. If you have a lengthy walkway from the driveway to the front door you have a great opportunity for some creative and cool lighting solutions, in addition to taking safety measures. Outdoor lighting tips will also come in handy when you need to think about safety and how people can safely approach your home without tripping over unlit steps.

2) How it looks at night

It is often a good idea, and it is standard on most homes, to have a light near the front door. It’s also important to have at least one type of lighting in your backyard for security reasons. Outdoor lighting tips that take into consideration, safety, security, and aesthetics can accomplish a complete plan for updating a yard.

Click here for a cool website we found with a broad variety of outdoor lighting solutions. You can also find a great selection at your local Home Depot or other home improvement store.

If you have any other great outdoor lighting techniques, let us know! You can comment below or we would love to hear from you on our Facebook page!

Home Fragrance for a Clean Scent in Your Home’s Air

home fragranceWhen temperatures are hitting in the triple digits, it is oftentimes difficult to allow fresh air in your home. Home fragrance is not nearly as important as comfort of the home temperature. Windows are closed, air conditioning units are on full blast to cool your home. And fans are blowing and everyone is cooped up inside. When summer is here, the outside air can actually offer a luxurious scent of summer with the likes of honeysuckle, rose, fresh summertime rain, herbs, and so many other lovely fragrances that bloom in summer. Read More