Fine Linen Storage

Fine Linen StorageOftentimes, we pull out special linens for special occasions like a holiday, birthday, anniversary or some special party. When you are using linens and you need to store them, you need a location that will keep the linens neat and free from wrinkles. Fine linen storage can be easily accomplished with a storage area allowing the linens to lay flat.  Read More

Holiday Decorating with Evergreens

Holiday Decorating

With a recent trip to Tennessee, holiday decorating was every where. On this visit to a wonderful place called the Blackberry Farm, holiday decorating with evergreens was the focal point. Evergreen decorating is exciting to decorate with because you can generally find it in your backyard on the the side of the road.

By using evergreen pieces in bowls and vases, you can create a simple and fresh smelling holiday decoration. You can also use pieces of evergreen by tying them together to create wreaths and swags. A way to make tied pieces look good, is by hiding he strings or wires behind the greenery or by adding ribbon or bows in strategic places. Read More

Simplified Child Proofing Ideas

Simplified Child Proofing IdeasGuest Blogger:  Tom Corliss of

Thousands of preventable injuries happen every year because parents and caregivers do not take the time to add simplified child proofing solutions to their homes. Consequently, this results in not being prepared for possible injuries. Now, I want to take some time and go over some simple ideas to be prepared for little ones. This will also create a safe environment to play and grow in. Read More